
february, 2019

2019thu14feb16 h 00 min17 h 30 minFree webinar: Drone operations productivity is reaching new levels in agriculture applicationsFree online webinar16 h 00 min - 17 h 30 min Event Type :WebinarEvent Type 2:Agriculture and Forestry

Event Details

With the birth of new kinds of UAV solutions, drone productivity is reaching never performed before efficiency. In this webinar Lénaïc Grignard – Agriculture and Forestry Product Manager at  Delair, and Emily Ciesielski – Sales Manager at MicaSense, will unveil not only how and why latest fixed-wing drones are now becoming a user-friendly tool in agriculture, but also how the drone Total Cost of Ownership analysis is completely revisited with long range capabilities of these drones. 


(Thursday) 16 h 00 min - 17 h 30 min