Delair-Tech Delair-Show UAvs products
On: 20 May 2015 In: Press Book

The 27th of May, Delair Tech, is proud to welcome its partners to a private event: the Delair Show.

Within a week, the company will invite its partners to a gathering taking place in the Delair Tech headquarters. Guests will attend a visit of the Delair Tech facilities during which the French leader of the civilian drone industry will discuss about UAV data processing and data management solutions for utility, oil and gas, industrial and agriculture companies.

This event will be an opportunity to perform outdoor demos. Especially to present for the first time its latest drone: the DT26-X. The DT26X enables a real time video transmission from the UAV in order to detect target on the ground, it is dedicated to surveillance and security application.

Later, a DT18 flight demo will be shown. This drone concenter both a rapid mapping for general inspection of infrastructure integrity and agriculture application with data collected from a multispectrale sensor.


Follow our twitter account to get more information about it #DelairShow.